Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools
As a Church of England School it is a requirement that we are inspected on at least a five yearly basis. Our last inspection was in June 2016 (under the previous framework) and was rated as GOOD in all areas.
Here are the key findings from our latest SIAMS inspection report:
"The Christian ethos is well established and explicit".
"Christian values are understood, shared, and consistently lived out by the whole school community".
"Children behave well and the school’s Christian character and values have a major impact on their spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development".
"A nurturing Christian environment underpins high quality teaching and learning experiences for all pupils that contribute to their academic achievement and personal development".
Click here to read the full SIAMS report
Inspection focus
SIAMS inspection plays an important role in the improvement of Church schools. It does this by affirming that which is effective and by highlighting key areas for improvement. By focusing on impact above all else, SIAMS explores ways in which each school’s theologically rooted Christian vision drives the school and enables it to live up to its foundation. Over time, it encourages leaders, governors and the wider school community to consider:
- Who are we as a school?
- What are we doing here?
- How, then, shall we live and learn together?
The 2023 SIAMS Inspection Framework recognises that Church schools come in all different shapes and sizes and therefore has no lists of criteria to meet. Rather, it asks 6 or 7 Inspection Questions (IQ’s) about impact. This allows leaders to explain the school’s context and the reasons for their decisions and actions. The focus on Spiritual Development remains very much part of the 2023 Framework.
In all things, the contextually appropriate theologically rooted Christian vision is the driving force.
Find out more about the new SIAMS framework by clicking here: 2023-siams-framework.pdf (
The inspection questions are:
IQ1 How does the school’s theologically rooted Christian vision enable pupils and adults to flourish?
IQ2 How does the curriculum reflect the theologically rooted Christian vision?
IQ3 How is collective worship enabling pupils and adults to flourish spiritually?
IQ4 How does the theologically rooted Christian vision create a culture in which pupils and adults are treated well?
IQ5 How does the theologically rooted Christian vision create an active culture of justice and responsibility?
IQ6 Is the religious education curriculum effective?
IQ7 What is the quality of religious education? (Schools with VA articles only)
These questions provide a structure for inspectors and leaders to collaboratively gather evidence of how the school’s Christian vision enables everyone to flourish. Using this evidence, inspectors will come to a judgement, holding school (and trust) leaders to account. SIAMS, rightly, sets a high bar for each school to live up to its foundation as a Church school through its theologically rooted Christian vision. In doing so it celebrates and affirms the ways in which the school and its community are flourishing, alongside areas for development for school leaders.