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Ofsted Report- 2023

Please click the links below to see our latest OFSTED report and the letter to parents from our Co-Chair of Governors

OFSTED Report January 2023

Chair of Governors' letter to parents January 2023

Other useful links

Education Inspection Framework: Education inspection framework (EIF) - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

As part of the OFSTED inspection process inspectors look at the views of parents collected via questionnaires. The OFSTED online questionnaire 'Parent View' is available at all times for parents to comment on a range of aspects about the school.

Click below for the Parent View site.


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A note from Mrs Goulthorpe following our Ofsted visit in January 2023.

It is with enormous pleasure that I write to share the fantastic news that following the Ofsted visit at Wroot Travis Charity C of E Primary School, our school has been rated ‘Good’ in all areas by Ofsted! This follows a two-day Ofsted inspection, which as you know took place in mid-January. I am delighted that Ofsted has recognised all the excellent work going on here at Wroot Travis Charity Primary School and what a ‘special place’ our school truly is.

During their visit the inspectors noted the monumental work that has been undertaken since the last Ofsted in 2019. In his feedback, the lead HMI, Liam Colcough, clearly highlighted our continuous and relentless drive for improvement. The inspectors commented extremely positively on our warm and caring ethos and that we use the small size of our school as an opportunity to build a strong community. We could not have achieved this without your support and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you, your fantastic children and our dedicated staff for their hard work and commitment, which has helped to make Wroot Travis Charity Primary School such an amazing place to learn, work and succeed.

The report highlights many key strengths of our school. Some areas that make us very proud include: 

  • This is a school where pupils feel emotionally and physically safe. A warm and caring ethos surrounds pupils who attend this school. They relish being part of this supportive school family
  • The high expectations leaders have for pupils’ behaviour are mirrored in their expectations of what pupils can achieve academically 
  • Leaders have high ambitions for all pupils in the school. They are relentless in their approach to making sure that pupils have a broad range of experiences during their time at school 
  • Subject leaders have a strong sense of how the building blocks for future learning begin in the early years... 
  • The wider development of pupils is important to leaders. They engage with a wealth of opportunities to develop their character and values 
  • Careful thought has been given to the curriculum that children are taught in Nursery and Reception.
  • There is a clear approach to developing high-quality vocabulary.
  • Children have opportunities to develop their independence. They follow clear routines throughout the day 
  • Governors have a detailed understanding of the strengths and areas for development of the school. They check that what leaders are telling them is actually happening in the school. They offer challenge and support for leaders working in the school 
  • There is a strong culture of safeguarding. Staff and leaders have safeguarding at the forefront of their minds. Staff follow robust systems to record concerns. These concerns are followed up swiftly and diligently by leaders.
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