Design Technology at Wroot Travis Primary School
At Wroot Travis Charity C of E Primary School we are committed to inspire creativity and imagination in every child. Design and Technology in our school has been carefully planned to equip our pupils with crucial life skills. By the time pupils leave, they will be well equipped to design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values. Each Scheme of Work involves inventing a product which begins with considering the user and purpose of the product. Undertaking Design and Technology activities in our school gives our pupils opportunities to use a range of materials and processes which supports them in the wider world beyond Primary Education.
There are five topics which are developed as pupils move through the school. These are:
- Mechanism
- Cooking and nutrition
- Structures
- Textiles
- Electrics and electricals.
"The Hoover Boat"
"Our group challenge was to design a model to help protect our oceans and sea life. Our model has 4 pipes that go into the ocean, and they suck the plastic up from the ocean and on the bottom of the sea bed. We added some vents to allow the water to escape back into the ocean. The plastic we collect is recycled into fuel for our boats."
Within each topic, pupils explore and investigate existing products, conduct research to design their own product and make their product using a wide range of materials and tools. Throughout the production process pupils are encouraged to test and improve their designs and evaluate their product through interviews with the user and robust testing of the product. Through evaluation of existing past and present products, pupils develop understanding of its impact on daily life and the wider world. Our high-quality design and technology education will make an essential contribution to the creativity, culture, wealth and well-being of the nation.
Our DT Curriculum Intent Statment can be found here
The DT National Curriulum Programmes of Study can be found here: National curriculum in England: design and technology programmes of study - GOV.UK (
Our DT progression map can be found here
Our DT Assessment tracker can be found here

Useful Websites
Nuffield STEM
KS1 BBC Bitesize -
KS2 BBC Bitesize -
Top Marks -
Fun Kids Live -
KAPOW (login in) -
Oak National Academy KS2:
Oak National Academy KS1:
If you would like to know more about DT at our school or if you have any questions please contact the DT subject leader (Mrs Burgin at the school.