Our Vision Statement

Be bold, be strong, for the Lord your God is with you!
(Joshua 1.9)
Belton and Wroot Primary Federation is proud to be a thriving church school family. Our Federation vision is to provide rich, life-long learning experiences and excellent provision, resulting in a happy confident school community where we all grow, flourish, achieve success, feel safe and genuinely care for each other and the world we live in.
Our vision is rooted in the life and experiences of St Cuthbert. Like our school community, Cuthbert spent much of his life on an island, but looked outwards to build friendships and partnerships. Cuthbert’s life was rooted in the love of God. He understood the importance of trusting God, persevering, serving others and seeking wisdom. Through contemplation and experiencing challenge, Cuthbert developed resilience and flourished as a leader who transformed his world for the better. St Cuthbert was a unifier – through his love, care and faithfulness, he brought hope and continues to bring hope to Christians around the world.
At the Belton & Wroot Federation we use the teachings of Jesus and the life of Cuthbert to guide us. Our commitment towards fostering, nurturing and embedding the Christian values of:
provide the golden thread running through our Federation’s ethos and encapsulates all that we do.
New Federation Vision statement 2023