Working together to prevent Headlice
Unfortunately headlice are a very common part of primary schools; nearly one in ten primary school children could have headlice at any one time. We know what a hassle it is to treat head lice and just how frustrating it can be when your child comes home scratching their head yet again. But by working together we can fight the spread of head lice. We ask parents to:
Check your family's hair for lice regularly - once a week is ideal!
Visit your local pharmacist for guidance on the various treatments available
Get treatment for you or your family as soon as you find live lice
Let school, friends and family know as soon as you've found live lice
At school we are vigilant in looking for the signs of headlice. We will contact parents if live lice are found and ask that children are collected from school and treated as soon as possible to help prevent the spread of lice. Having headlice is not a reason to be absent from school. We ask that you inform us if your child has headlice so that we can monitor the situation and inform parents when necessary.
The Once a Week, Take a Peek Campaign website has useful back ground information and advice about treating headlice.