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Religious Education at Wroot Travis Charity

Here at Wroot Travis Charity, we teach Religious Education by meeting the requirements of the Lincolnshire Agreed Syllabus, supported by the materials from Understanding Christianity. Our aim is to engage, encourage, inspire and challenge children, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to explore ‘big’ questions as well as preparing them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.

We believe that all children, through developing and deepening their understanding of Christianity and other religious and non-religious world views, should leave our school being able to reflect on and express their own beliefs and values including engaging with ‘big’ questions whilst at the same time recognise and celebrate cultural diversity showing sensitivity and respect for other people’s beliefs. Religious Education at our school enables our pupils to grow spiritually, morally, socially and culturally. It is taught progressively throughout our school, ensuring knowledge and skills are built upon. Links are made with other curriculum areas, particularly PSHE and our core Christian values are embedded within along with British Values which enable children to participate positively within an ever-changing society and world.


Local Agreed Syllabus

A high-quality religious education curriculum inspires all pupils to become religiously literate and able to hold balanced and informed conversations about religions and belief. It should provide opportunities for pupils to develop their knowledge and understanding of Christianity as well as other principal religions and world views. It should focus on concepts as well as content, within the context of enquiry-based learning and provide opportunities for pupils to explore authentic religious material and reflect diversity in terms of the changing religious landscape of the UK so that they are prepared for life in modern Britain.

Lincolnshire Locally Agreed Syllabus 2018 - 2023


If you would like to find out more about RE in school, or have any questions, please contact our RE Lead, Mrs Higginson, who will be happy to speak with you.

Remembrance at Wroot

Every child in Wroot School walks down to the cenotaph in the village to pay their respects to the brave soldiers who fought and died for their country. Some of the fallen had even been taught in our school before enlisting.

Year 5 and 6 recite war poems; read out the roll call and several pupils play their brass instruments. We all observe a two-minute silence after listening to the last post and finish with a remembrance prayer.

Our RE Curriculum Intent Statement can be found here:

Our RE progression map can be found here

The Local Agreed RE Syllabus can be found here:

'Understanding Christianity' can be found here

Festival of Light


Our pupils love the ‘awe and wonder’ of visiting Lincoln Cathedral. Pupils enjoy active learning through role-play and dressing-up, handling objects, creating themed crafts, listening and just looking around this magnificent place.