Our Classes
EYFS (Nursery and Reception) Acorn Class
In EYFS we aim to create a friendly atmosphere where the children feel happy and secure and are excited to learn; we hope they will develop a sense of individual responsibility and respect for others. Through play, the children are encouraged to learn new skills and participate in new experiences that will prepare them for Key stage 1. We hope the children will foster an enthusiasm for learning that will grow throughout their school life.
The outdoor area is used regularly to extend and complement experiences provided inside. Children can do things on a much larger scale outside-huge pieces of paper to paint on, paths to draw on, soil to dig, stage to perform on, a mud kitchen to explore and paving stones to sweep. The play area also provides opportunities for risk taking and gross motor skills. Children are frequently more relaxed and confident outside and more receptive to learning. By experiencing learning in a safe and supportive outdoor environment, children gain a sense of value for the wider, natural world, a sense of responsibility for their environment, in addition to self-esteem, confidence and physical and emotional strength.
KS 1 (Yr 1 & 2) Willow Class
In Ks1 we follow the National Curriculum, which encourages the development of speaking, listening, reading and writing through whole class and group activities.
We foster a love of reading through the sharing of a wide range of stimulating and engaging texts. The teaching of reading develops specific basic skills that include the use of phonics, word recognition and reading for meaning, using a range of cues including context punctuation and grammar. This is achieved by shared reading, guided reading and individual reading – all of which help children to develop as readers. These skills are applied and practised using a variety of well-written books, both fiction and non-fiction.
In school mathematics teaching is done in a number of ways; we regularly use practical applications and teach a variety of strategies, using models and images. Children use and apply their mathematical knowledge and skills in a wide variety of contexts, within the maths lesson and throughout the curriculum. We make links and contextualise the concepts in order to support the children to transfer and embed their learning.
Lower KS2 (Yr 3 & 4) Silver Birch Class

Year 3 and 4 are critical years in a child’s development. At Wroot Travis we ensure a smooth transition between Key Stage 1 and Lower Key Stage 2, which ensures all children are well-prepared for any changes in the timetable and curriculum. Children in Lower Key Stage 2 are provided with a range of practical, sensory and creative experiences which allow them to gain a deeper understanding of concepts through application and reasoning. Children are provided with the opportunity to work within groups, pairs or independently throughout the day.
Upper KS2 (Yr 5 & 6) Oak Class

During their time in Upper Key Stage 2, the children will continue to have exciting and stimulating topics that are taken from the national curriculum. We believe learning should be fun and give children the skills and knowledge they need to be able to help them as adults in the future. We teach the themes through a variety of subjects as well as giving the opportunity take part in trips, outdoor learning opportunities within school and other first hand multisensory experiences.
For Ks2 pupils We have developed a long term plan which is based on a two year rolling programme for core subjects and a four year rolling programme for non-core subjects such as History and Art. This allows the children within the key stage to work together, as well as ensuring that themes are not repeated unnecessarily. An overview of the themes and subject content is shown on our Curriculum page
How we organise Teaching and Learning at Wroot Travis
- EYFS (Nursery and Reception) are taught together as part of Acorn class.
- Key Stage 1 (Year 1 and Year 2) are taught together as Willow class. At times a selected group of Reception pupils may join them
- EYFS and KS1 are overseen by the Fouundation stage class teacher
- Lower and Upper Key stage 2 (year 3/4 - Silver Birch class and year 5/6- Oak Class) are taught as paired year groups for core subjects (English, Maths, Science) and for PSHE.
- All of Key stage 2 are brought together for Foundation subjects (History, Geography, Art etc) however learning is clearly differentiated for the paired year groups (based on the National Curriculum requirements for the year groups) with the support of an additional adult.